Share Project weekly update 08/19/2024 - 08/23/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (8/19 - 8/23)
- Milling of asphalt between and 7th and 8th Street on Roosevelt Avenue will occur this week.
- Paving operations will continue as Phase 2 is completed.
- Installation of the 54” stormsewer pipe up Roosevelt Avenue from the 5th Street intersection will continue as Phase 3 is underway.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 08/12/2024 - 08/16/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (8/12 - 8/16)
- Temporary water will continue to be installed on Roosevelt up to 8th Street. Once water is shifted to the temporary system, residents will no longer be charged for water usage.
- A large 54” storm sewer will be installed going north of Roosevelt from 5th Street.
- Concrete work is ongoing, and paving operations will occur next Friday to lay down the bottom mat and bring it up to Roosevelt.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share PRESS RELEASE: Phase 3 of the Garfield-Harrison project begins August 12 on Facebook
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City of Loveland, Colorado
CONTACTS: Illianna Milldrum, Communication and Engagement Specialist, 970-962-2608,
Phase 3 of the Garfield-Harrison project begins August 12
LOVELAND, Colo. – August 8, 2024 – The City of Loveland’s Stormwater Engineering division will begin Phase 3 of the Garfield-Harrison Storm Drainage project on Monday, August 12. Phase 3 will begin along Roosevelt Avenue north of W. 5th Street to W. 9th Street and then move west to 7th Street. Phase 3 is expected to be completed in the fall of 2025.
The project will entail:
- Milling operations on Roosevelt Avenue between 5th and 7th streets. This is to prepare the location for excavation to install the new storm sewer pipe. Street milling is used in road construction and maintenance to remove the top layer of an existing pavement surface. The project will include five work zones for Phase 3 beginning August 12, 2024, through fall 2025:
- Zone 1 - Roosevelt Avenue between 5th Street and 7th Street, estimated to be completed by early 2025.
- Zone 2 - 8th Street to Harrison Avenue, estimated to be completed by early spring 2025.
- Zone 3 - 7th Street between Franklin Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue, estimated to be completed by early summer 2025.
- Zone 4 - Colorado Avenue between 7th Street and 8th Street and Franklin Avenue between 7th Street and 8th Street, is estimated to be completed by late summer 2025.
- Zone 5 - 8th Street between Duffield Avenue and Colorado Avenue, estimated to be completed by fall 2025.
A large diameter storm sewer pipe will be installed on N. Roosevelt Avenue to W. 9th Street and then a smaller diameter lateral west on W. 7th Street to Colorado Avenue. Additionally, the project will include adding a new waterline on N. Roosevelt Avenue between W. 5th Street to W. 8th Street. Under the five work zones, there will be road closures in blocked segments to install the new water and stormwater pipelines. The road closures will follow the timeline of the work zones.
Upcoming Traffic Impacts
The Stormwater Engineering division’s contractor, Connell Resources, will begin the first road closure at W. 5th Street and continue to W. 7th Street. During construction, local access will always be maintained, as well as local deliveries and services. During this project, residents will experience construction noise and disruptions near their homes. Traffic control personnel will be onsite to direct residents while this work is performed. Typical working hours will be Monday through Friday from approximately 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Night and weekend work will be occasional and announced in advance.

Project Contact and Weekly Updates
To follow the project’s progress and receive notices of upcoming work, residents may contact the following communication resources:
Additionally, residents can receive project updates by subscribing to the email list in the “Stay Informed” section of the project page.
About the Project
The Garfield-Harrison Project is a large-scale master planned stormwater project that began in January 2022. The four-phase project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2026. The project addresses the multiple drainage problems caused by aging infrastructure in the west part of downtown Loveland. Partnering with the City’s Water and Wastewater divisions, Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program and Stormwater Engineering, the project will include new waterline, sanitary sewer, street resurfacing, and various concrete repairs that will improve ADA accessibility.
Project Funding
The project is funded through the Stormwater and Water Enterprise Fund. Enterprise funds are dedicated funds supported by user fees in the monthly utility bill. Similar to a business, user fees fund the operation, maintenance, administration, and capital improvement projects required to provide the service.
Share Project weekly update 08/05/2024-08/09/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (8/05 - 8/09)
- Waterline work for Phase 2c will be wrapping up and temporary water for Phase 3 will be installed next week.
- Concrete work on ADA ramps and curb & gutter will continue as we transition to work on Roosevelt Avenue.
- Paving operations will also continue as Phase 2c is completed.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at link) or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 07/29/2024 - 08/02/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (7/29 - 8/02)
- Waterlines will be getting tied in next week and excavations completed on 5th Street.
- Paving operations are upcoming.
- The next phase of construction will continue on Roosevelt Avenue.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 07/22/2024 -07/26/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (7/22 -7/26)
- Potholing activities are on-going and staging of pipe on 7th is complete for the time being.
- Stormwater elements are being installed at 5th & Roosevelt, and the 54” pipe has turned north and has stopped for now.
- Waterline will follow the stormsewer from Sheridan to Roosevelt.
- Paving is currently scheduled for the 31st (bottom mat) and 8/13 for the final top mat.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 07/15/2024 - 07/19/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (7/15 -7/19).
- The large 54” storm sewer installation continues on 5th Street and is currently at the intersection of Roosevelt Avenue and 5th Street.
- Following the stormsewer, the waterline installation will begin. Concrete repairs and installations will continue along 5th Street.
- Milling on Roosevelt Avenue is complete and stockpiling of pipe materials will be ongoing.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us with any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 07/08/2024 - 07/12/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (7/8 -7/12).
- The team will take off July 4-7 and return to work on Monday, July 8.
- Sheridan west of 5th Street will be off temporary water and paving preparations will continue. A bottom mat is planned for Thursday, August 1.
- A large 54-inch storm sewer will continue to be installed going east on 5th Street to Roosevelt Avenue. Waterline installation will follow.
- Milling and storage of pipe along 5th Street to 7th Street on Roosevelt Avenue is planned for Monday.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 07/01/2024 - 07/03/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates for this week (7/1 -7/3).
- Waterline will continue to be installed on Sheridan Avenue and should conclude mid-week. A large 54-inch storm sewer will follow, going east from Sheridan Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue.
- Potholing activities for utilities will be occurring concurrently, and vac trucks will assist with meter box replacements during the waterline installation.
- Street preparation for paving and concrete replacements will be ongoing on both Sheridan Avenue and W. 5th Street in preparation for paving activities starting in July.
- The team will take off July 4 - 7 and return to work on the 8th Street.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 06/24/2024 - 06/28/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 6/24:
- Waterline will continue to be installed on Sheridan Ave. and should conclude mid-week. A large 54-inch storm sewer will follow going east from Sheridan Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue.
- Potholing activities for utilities will be occurring concurrently and vac trucks will be assisting with meter box replacements as the waterline installation occurs.
- Street preparation for paving and concrete replacements will be ongoing on both Sheridan Avenue and W. 5th Street in preparation for paving activities starting in July.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.