Share Project weekly update 06/17/2024 - 06/21/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 6/17:
- Street paving preparation work will occur next week between 4th & 5th Streets on Sheridan Avenue. Bottom mat paving is planned for the following week.
- Concrete crews will continue working on handicap ramps and curb and gutter.
- Storm sewer crews on 5th Street, west of Sheridan Avenue will wrap up their work and new 8-inch waterline will be installed.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 06/10/2024 - 06/14/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 6/10:
- This week the new 8-inch waterline will be tied in at Franklin Avenue & 5th Street and begin installation moving east.
- Concrete crews will be installing the curb and gutter.
- Inlets will also be constructed at Franklin Avenue & 5th Street.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 06/03/2024 - 06/07/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 6/03:
- Storm sewer installation at Franklin Avenue & 5th Street will continue through the week.
- The waterline will begin following the storm sewer the following week.
- Concrete repairs and ADA-compliant handicap ramps will also be built concurrently on Sheridan Avenue in preparation for paving at the end of June.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 05/27/2024 - 05/31/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 5/27
- No work was performed on Monday, 5/27, due to the observance of Memorial Day.
- The stormsewer will continue to be installed between Franklin and Sheridan. Upon completion, the stormsewer will begin from Sheridan Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue
- Waterline installation will begin the first week of June following the stormsewer.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 05/13/2024 - 05/17/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 5/13
- Next week, work will begin installing the 18-inch lateral to the west on 5th Street. This process will be much faster compared to working with the 54-inch pipe.
- The waterline installation will follow the storm sewer installation.
- Concrete repairs and ADA ramp installations will work up Sheridan Avenue from 4th Street to 5th Street.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 05/06/2024 - 05/10/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 5/6.
- Work will continue installing the large 54-inch storm sewer on Sheridan Avenue.
- Upon reaching 5th Street, a storm sewer lateral will be built west of the Franklin Avenue intersection.
- A new waterline will follow the storm sewer.
- Upon completing the lateral to Franklin Avenue, the large storm sewer trunkline will begin again at 5th Street and Sheridan Avenue and travel east to Roosevelt Avenue.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 4/22/2024 - 4/26/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting this week, 4/22:
- Temporary waterline was installed last week and the storm sewer pipeline installation started at 4th Street and Sheridan Avenue. We will be working up Sheridan Avenue this coming week and next week.
- Weather and other factors caused delays in work.
Please note that there are road closures at 4th Street and Sheridan Avenue, 5th Street and Roosevelt Avenue, and 5th Street and Franklin Avenue. Private driveways are not acceptable areas for turnarounds. Please see the map included.

Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 4/15/2024-4/19/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Here are the project updates starting next week, 4/15.
- Excavation work along N. Sheridan Avenue will pick up this coming week starting with installation of large storm sewer culverts. This will be followed by the waterline installation.
- Work will progress up 5th Street and then turn west, heading to N. Franklin Avenue.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday-Friday, 7:00 am – 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share Project weekly update 4/8/2024 - 4/12/2024 on Facebook
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Hello Stakeholders!
Due to some weather and an emergency water leak on 29th Street, the project excavations will start next week, 4/8.
Weather permitting, work activities are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions at or 970-716-5155.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Share FOR RELEASE: Next phase of the Garfield-Harrison Project begins in April on Facebook
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City of Loveland, Colorado
CONTACTS: Illianna Milldrum, Communication and Engagement Specialist, 970-962-2608,
Next phase of the Garfield-Harrison Project begins in April
LOVELAND, Colo. – March 21, 2024 – The City’s Stormwater Engineering division, in partnership with Connell Resources, will resume construction on the Garfield-Harrison project in April, weather permitting. Phase 2c is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Phase 2c will begin along Sheridan Avenue north of 4th Street. The project will entail:
- Street milling on March 25. Street milling is a process used in road construction and maintenance to remove the top layer of an existing pavement surface.
- A large diameter storm sewer pipe will be installed up to 5th Street and then east to Roosevelt Avenue, requiring excavation that will require a full road closure. Adding a waterline on 5th Street between Franklin and Roosevelt Avenues.
Traffic Impacts
Through traffic on Sheridan Avenue and 5th Street will be closed from April 1 until the end of summer 2024. During construction, local access will always be maintained. Residents will experience heavy construction noise and disruptions near their homes for approximately two months. Typical working hours will be Monday through Friday from approximately 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Night and weekend work will be occasional and announced in advance.
Project Contact and Weekly Updates
There are multiple opportunities to follow the project’s progress and receive notices of upcoming work. They are the following:
Additionally, residents can receive frequent updates about the project by signing up for the project’s newsletter by subscribing to the email list in the “Stay Informed” section.
About the Project
The Garfield-Harrison Project is a large-scale master planned stormwater project that began in January 2022. The four-phase project is expected to be completed by 2025. The project addresses the multiple drainage problems caused by aging infrastructure in the west part of downtown Loveland. Partnering with the City’s Water and Wastewater divisions, Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program and Stormwater Engineering, the project will include new waterline, sanitary sewer, street resurfacing, and various concrete repairs that will improve ADA accessibility.